Lifestyle blog written by Tanner Mathewson

Monday, April 6, 2020

Welcome to Madhouse Society

In the words of my soul sister/muse/forever inspiration, Carrie Bradshaw,

"I'm a writer."

I seem to have lost sight of that fact in the year that this blog was created. With print journalism dead and the blog scene going up in flames right behind it, I spent a lot of time scrambling and trying to keep up with the bloggers and influencers (ew I hate that word) that I wanted to emulate. What I've come to realize is this:
I don't want to have a blog where I show how perfect my life is and only talk about superficial things. I want to speak my mind, share my struggles, and offer some helpful life + beauty tips along the way.
If that makes this blog less appealing to the masses, so be it.
Rather than only doing super curated blog posts offering my knowledge on specific subjects, think of this as more of a column in a paper. My paper.
Yes, there will still be {elaborate} skincare routines and botox Q&A, but there will also be essays on my current thoughts and letters to my son.

I started off calling this blog "Becoming Tanner," and I am still so proud of what that means. I am always striving to become the best version of myself. I am always growing, learning, changing.

With that being said, I have decided to pivot and rebrand this bitch. I don't want this space to be about me. This space needs to be where likeminded people can come to feel beautiful and understood.

Welcome to Madhouse Society.
We're all mad here.

xx Tanner


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