Lifestyle blog written by Tanner Mathewson

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Make Braids Pop

Hi friends!

Today's post is a little different, in that from now on I'm going to do a weekly skincare feature from my sister, @tristin_the_esthetician! Each week at the end of my blog post I will add some words from Tris, where she gives you guys different facts about skin. Knowledge is power, and let me just say I went through her notebook and read everything that she's going to explain to us and I am PUMPED. I am someone who researches skincare fairly often and a lot of this I didn't even know.

So, let's jump into it! I've noticed a lot of girls I know have a hard time with braids. They can hurt your brain and be hard to master. On top of that, once we learn how to braid successfully, we turn and look in the mirror to find that the braid looks nothing like the inspo picture.


All of this practice, for a wimpy braid? Okay. Calm down, let mama help you.

Im going to give you some steps on how to make that braid POP just like the braids on those bitches on Pinterest. Granted, in order to follow this post you need to learn the basics on how to braid. As I've said before, watch Youtube and practice, practice, practice! I used Tris as a short haired example for you guys. This is for everyone! (Except for those of you with a pixie cut. Obviously.)

STEP 1: Add some volumizing powder

This is a game changer, especially if you have thin or fine hair. It's also super helpful if your hair is clean and soft. You're going to be pulling apart your braid, and if it is too slippery or thin it won't stay put where you pull it. This stuff gives it the grip it needs to stay in place. It's a powder that turns to liquid once it hits the tip of your fingers. Spray it onto your braid, but just know that it does give it a very gritty, dirty feeling so I don't recommend spraying it all over your head if you want your hair to feel soft. I've added a link here

STEP 2: Pull the braid apart

I like to start from the bottom of the braid and work my way up to the crown. Pinch the outside of the braid and pull apart- the messier the better, in my opinion. Play with it! If some pieces get pulled out, tuck them back in. I like to pull apart the crown as well. Don't be afraid to go up and down the braid a few times.

STEP 3: Pull tight

Once I'm done pulling the braid apart and have it looking the way I want it to look, I grab the tail at the end and tighten it like I would tighten a ponytail on the top of my head. This will keep it in place.

DONE! So easy! With this style I just pinned it low on the nape of her neck and finished with some hair spray.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! This is a super easy step that make a HUGE difference in how your braids look. I also did this to a large classic French braid on myself. It takes the braid from "Hi, I'm 12." to messy-bohemian.



I’m so sorry. I’m sure that’s the worst thing you’ve heard all day; but it’s the hard truth. That’s why you’re here right? YOU WANT ANSWERS. YOU WANT INFO.

Well you’re going to get it, simmer down friends. 

Alright, so unfortunately pore size is actually genetic. So you can thank your parents for what you have going on. Your pores control the oil in your skin. I know most of us wish that they were non existent BUT thank your lucky stars that they’re not completely shut because you’d be so insanely dry you would be cracking. One of the perks of being oily is that you are going to age so much more gracefully than someone who has a dry skin type, so whenever you’re mad at your face for looking dewy as hell; think about that! Self love.

So, while we can’t actually shrink the size of our pores, we can make them appear smaller. MAGIC. Here are some tips I live by:

-exfoliate your skin 1-2 times a week (don’t over do it, you’ll dry your skin out)
-chemical peels are so great hallelujah 
-primers with SPF
-never ever ever ever sleep with your make up on. I will find you; And I will lecture you. 
-cleanse your face daily 
-do not touch/pick at your face. You’re just bringing bacteria into your pores 
ok let’s get really scientific. 
Free radicals are unstable reactive molecules that damage our skin cells. UV rays & pollution are stressors to these free radicals. They break down collagen and elastin amongst other things. When your skin lacks collagen and elastin it becomes less tight WHICH MAKES YOUR PORES APPEAR LARGER!! So by wearing sunscreen you are protecting your skin from damage AND making your pores appear smaller. Is your mind blown right now? No? Just me? Ok moving on. 
-use a retinoid cream to boost cell turnover
-clay masks are great if you’re oily
-glycolic acid is a key ingredient gets rid of dead skin cells and helps your skin absorb oil
-lactic acid is also a great ingredient, it’s just a little bit weaker than the glycolic acid
-water based products > oil based 

That’s a ton of information, let it sink in. I really hope that helps you guys! Thank for you reading and letting my inner skin nerd come out to play. Keep checking into Tan’s blog, I might be here awhile ;)


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